As always, a read with much depth and richness. I thought you might be interested in our chapel's January Reflection -- a publication which I write and edit:
January Reflection: Manifestations
The three events in the life of Our Lord depicted on the cover of this month’s bulletin reflect the three great manifestations the Church celebrates this month: The Adoration of the Magi at His birth, His baptism in the Jordan River by St. John the Baptist, and His first public miracle at the wedding feast in Cana.
At one time, the Church celebrated all three events on January 6, and according to Dom Prosper Gueranger, there is more than sufficient evidence to suggest that all three events did in fact occur on this day.
The Church now reserves January 6 as the Epiphany wherein the Kings of the East, representing all nations of the world, came to acknowledge Christ as King of the whole human race.
The Octave of the Epiphany, January 13, commemorates Our Lord’s Baptism and sanctification of the waters of the Jordan River. It is a manifestation of our Triune God: The Word Incarnate descends into the waters; the Holy Spirit descends “as a dove from heaven, and abode upon Him”; and the Father proclaims Christ as the Son of God with the command for us to “hear Him”.
The final manifestation is Christ changing water to wine at the wedding feast in Cana. Much here for reflection, but in this event Christ first manifests His divine power in a public way. We also see manifested the intercessory power He has given to His Mother, for whom He would not deny anything she asked.
January begins celebrating Christ’s infancy in the Feasts of the Circumcision and the Holy Family. Even as a Child of 12, He focused on His Divine Mission, teaching in the Temple; yet in obedience He followed Our Lady and St. Joseph back to Nazareth to “ advance in wisdom and age and grace before God and men”.
The Liturgical Year moves quickly this month as Christmas closes and Epiphany brings us closer to Septuagesima and Lent. We should continue, though, to reflect on the words of Dom Gueranger:
Let us imitate the faith and obedience of the Magi; let us adore with the holy Baptist, the divine Lamb, over Whom the heavens open; let us take our place at the mystic feast of Cana, where our dear King is present, thrice manifested, thrice glorified. In the last two mysteries, let us not lose sight of the Babe of Bethlehem; and in the Babe of Bethlehem let us not cease to recognize the Great God, in Whom the Father was well pleased, and the supreme Ruler and Creator of all things.
I think of you as a tremendous mentor first as a Catholic, then as a writer. Thank you for the read!