Nice read. I agree that this system created by the global elite centuries ago based on debt is about to implode. It may even come down to individuals trading labor for goods.
Years ago I seriously considered taking a picture of our small children and putting it in a conspicuous place in my spouse's medical office with a caption: Please pay what you owe for services rendered. We accept cash, check, milk, bread, a ham or a turkey and some fruit and vegetables. All because insurance companies paid diddly-squat for the considerable time my spouse spent addressing patients' medical concerns.
Even as a teenager back in the day, I had a nice babysitting gig with several families. When I was referred to another family and the discussion about what my charge was, my reply was to ask the parent(s): how much is it worth for you to be out doing whatever you do without your children, and know that they are being well cared for and attended by someone who will not be spending time on your phone talking with friends, watching TV, raiding your refrigerator? It wasn't a flippant question. Parents would happily or not accept my typical fee of $2/hour (other sitters charged as low as $0.50-$1/hour).
Perhaps my perspective is a blend of all three: the value of time, the violence in the form of you pay what I say or go somewhere else, and the vision to see that all of this comes down to the relationship between a buyer and a seller.
Dump the middle man (global elites) and build a life free from debt.
Thanks for the read.