There is a reason why "Lady Liberty" holds a scale. Most people, though, overlook the fact that she is also blindfolded.
Justice should never, ever be used as a political tool. I resent the fact that the current administration's sole criteria for this nomination was based on gender and skin color.
Forget the fact that this "jurist" has a history of adjudicating cases, not based on standards and laws established by legislative bodies, but by her own legal and moral point of view.
Forget the fact that she openly panders to pedophiles and child abusers. Somehow pedophiles are the victims of a society that just doesn't seem to understand the needs of a "marginalized group".
Forget the countless victims who will suffer for years and years - perhaps a lifetime - after the abuse occurs while their abusers are released to abuse again. Let the perpetrators of such abominations skate away with not just the minimum sentence, but even less than what should or could be applied by the law she has sworn to uphold.
Nope. The whole point of this circus is to give the activist liberals and elitists another venue to throw the race card where it does not and should not exist and keep our nation divided.
Hold the light of truth and honesty up to your own conscience. The Senators who queried KBJ on her record and pressed her for clear, concise answers to their questions were only doing the job they are Constitutionally required to do.
I am old enough to recall Justice Thomas' hearing, and we should recall the grilling Justices Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett at the microphones of the liberal senators of both genders and races. This sort of thing cuts both ways.
Make no mistake. If KBJ was an honest, forthright jurist with a record of applying blind justice to the cases she adjudicated, there would be no argument in her ascending to SCOTUS. Unfortunately, she is the victim of cultural warfare that was made not by "conservative White senators" as Gaines asserts, but by the very people who put her in the hot seat.